We Need Your Help

BY: Joe Crisara

Does Your Life Ever Feel Like The Main Plot of a Movie herunterladen?

In the 1989 film classic Field of Dreams, an Iowa farmer by the name of Ray Kinsella, hears a ghostly voice that whispers, If you build it, he will come, and sees a baseball diamond in the middle of his cornfield corel herunterladen. Although his wife is skeptical and his family thinks he’s a bit off-centered, he plows under his corn to build a baseball diamond, only to find himself on the verge of bankruptcy and having to sell the family farm herunterladen.

We All Identify With Taking Chances

I suppose most of us reading this can identify with this movie herunterladen. We all hear that little voice inside of us at one time or another telling us to take a chance. Take a chance in starting a business or starting a family ebook klassiker kostenlos downloaden. Take a chance in purchasing our first home. Take chances with our future. And we do it because something deep down inside tells us we have to. Continue reading “We Need Your Help”