ANNOUNCEMENT: New 3-Day Total Immersion Event

By: Joe Crisara

 New 3-Day Format Dates Announced

All of us here who believe in the “Pure Motive Service” model are excited to announce that this fall a new format will begin that is going to allow for more access to LIVE training at the appropriate level of instruction von youtube auf iphone herunterladen. These new classes which were requested by popular demand now make it more affordable and take less time as well. “This way your people can attend a Total Immersion 3-day event and begin using the material the very same week,” said Joe Crisara who is not only the class instructor but President of the Total Immersion Service System black ops 2 free.

Customized for Your Level Of Skill

For the first time ever the Total Immersion Service Sales Training for HVAC Techs, Plumbers and Electricians will be offered to match your unique skill level mac netflix. Starting this August (Dates will be announced soon) you will now be able to attend…

  • Total Immersion Basic Training – Send new employees to a Total Immersion Basic Skills 3-Day class to absorb the basics of connecting, creating service options and closing the deal.
  • Total Immersion Advanced Training – You will also be able to send higher level techs to the Total Immersion Advanced 2-Day Training for those looking to become the highest level performers.
  • Total Immersion Performance Coaching – You will still be able to attend performance coaching for those who are looking to manage and coach the process as well.

Includes Flat Rate App

The classes now include the NEW Best Ever Flat Rate App which can create a customized 6-option price presentation in under 3-seconds. You can also include your client’s name built right into the options. “We are excited at the prospect of our students having the best world-class tool to create options for their client’s the easy way,” said Joe (Uncle Joe) Crisara.

Power Option Sheet Template Bonus

For those who wish to be put on our Pre-Season VIP Guest List or those of you who would like more information when we make our announcement of prices and class dates we are giving away a special bonus. You will receive the NEW Power Option Sheet Template that has increased one of our client’s revenue by 83% and cut their callbacks by 92% in just 3-weeks.


Or you can email us at and put VIP LIST as your subject header. You will receive your bonus and be included in the announcement as it happens.
