We Need Your Help

By: Joe Crisara

Does Your Life Ever Feel Like The Main Plot of a Movie herunterladen?

In the 1989 film classic Field of Dreams, an Iowa farmer by the name of Ray Kinsella, hears a ghostly voice that whispers, If you build it, he will come, and sees a baseball diamond in the middle of his cornfield corel herunterladen. Although his wife is skeptical and his family thinks he’s a bit off-centered, he plows under his corn to build a baseball diamond, only to find himself on the verge of bankruptcy and having to sell the family farm herunterladen.

We All Identify With Taking Chances

I suppose most of us reading this can identify with this movie herunterladen. We all hear that little voice inside of us at one time or another telling us to take a chance. Take a chance in starting a business or starting a family ebook klassiker kostenlos downloaden. Take a chance in purchasing our first home. Take chances with our future. And we do it because something deep down inside tells us we have to.

Ray could have decided not to build that baseball diamond. He could have chosen to continue on the same path that he had been on for years growing corn, making a little money to support his family, just barely surviving.

Listen To That Little Voice

Instead he decided to listen to that little voice inside his head because he began to understand the meaning. It’s not about the overpaid ball players or fancy ball parks with trains and waterslides. It’s about the experience and connections that we tie to those memories of the game.

For anyone who has ever thrown a ball in their backyard with their dad the experience is what recalls the strong emotional connection.

Your memories of this year’s Service Super Summit should be as if you were out there playing a game of catch. A place you will go to hear great speakers, learn new information, and make new connections with people you will hold dear throughout your life.

We Need Your Help

That is why we need your help. Although we have a good group of people signed up to attend this event, we could still use more and are asking your help to bring those connections together.

If you know of anyone who could use help with their business or is good at helping others, please send them our way. We would like them to attend so we can make this year’s event the one you remember.

This year’s Service Super Summit will focus not only improving your sales, marketing and profit, but also an emphasis on a “Turn-Key” approach that will sustain your success month-after-month.

Join us in Long Beach, CA, March 13-15, 2013 to learn how to

  • Automate Marketing To Work Every Time
  • Convert Callers Into Buyers
  • Recruit, Compensate & Manage Premium Technicians
  • Create An In-House Performance Coach
  • Rocket Your Sales
  • Manage Rapid Growth
  • And many more speakers and subjects that will inspire you and your employees to lay down the ground work to create a business that will achieve your vision.

Here is what you’ll get at the Service Super Summit 2013:

  • Early check in and Social Meet and Greet on Wednesday evening
  • Breakfast and Lunch on Thursday and Friday
  • Access to video replays of all speakers after the event included
  • MP3 downloads of all session included
  • A 30-60-90 day action plan from each speaker
  • Follow up access to all speakers included
  • Investment to Attend $497  Buy Tickets Now!
  • Contractorselling.com Members – $397 Bonus Price Click Here

It is important to call and make reservations as early as you can. Ask for Julie or Colette to help with your arrangements 9 a.m.-5p.m. PST.

With warm regards,

Joe Crisara

