ANNOUNCEMENT: New 3-Day Total Immersion Event

BY: Joe Crisara

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 New 3-Day Format Dates Announced

All of us here who believe in the “Pure Motive Service” model are excited to announce that this fall a new format will begin that is going to allow for more access to LIVE training at the appropriate level of instruction von youtube auf iphone herunterladen. These new classes which were requested by popular demand now make it more affordable and take less time as well. “This way your people can attend a Total Immersion 3-day event and begin using the material the very same week,” said Joe Crisara who is not only the class instructor but President of the Total Immersion Service System black ops 2 free.

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Service CSI: Who Killed Our Callback Rate?

BY: Joe Crisara

Callbacks Are Costly

Callbacks are costly online filme kostenlos deutsch download. Each time we go to a customer homes it can cost as much as $250 or more.  In a recent discussion on Linkedin, John Whitney Jr bubble shooter 3 download for free. said, “Field service techs want the right tools and a minimum of distractions. Managers want constant contact, on-the-fly updates, and solid record-keeping herunterladen. IT/ tech guys want cool new toys and the latest apps. The company wants to get the job done with one visit. And of course, the customer wants the work done correctly and in a timely fashion download movies on mobile. Sometimes, these goals all work together. But sometimes they don’t. What can we do to improve this situation?” Continue reading “Service CSI: Who Killed Our Callback Rate?”