Three Industry Sales Experts Share Secrets To Success

BY: Julie Crisara

Today’s customers are not the same as they were five or 10 years ago. The Internet has changed the game, making more information readily available to them videos downloaden von dailymotion.

So, what are contractors supposed to do to stay ahead of the sales and marketing curve calendar for free? In January contractors from across the country headed to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. to learn techniques, tips, and a few tricks on how to stay ahead from some of the top sales professionals in the industry Download Russian ebooks for free.

Three of these professionals chatted with ACCA to share some of that information with everyone who couldn’t attend the event.

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The only thing all the trainers agreed upon was that sales and marketing has changed rapidly in the past decade, and even in the past two years music on play music. The economy has been tough since 2008 and customers are looking to save where they can.

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“Homeowners are now making a decision between quality and price,” says Joe Crisara, CEO of herunterladen. “To help customers realize that the quality is more important, contractors need to differentiate themselves clearly from the low priced provider. More and more contractors are realizing that customers need a reason other than efficiency or money to upgrade their units and have come up with unique ways to show the value.”

Continue reading “Three Industry Sales Experts Share Secrets To Success”

Contracting Heaven Or Hell?

BY: Joe Crisara

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“The mind is it’s own place and can make Heaven out Hell or Hell out of Heaven.” – John Milton

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