How to Stand Strong with Pushy Customers

BY: Julie Crisara

In the home contracting field, you will experience what I like to to call “service terrorists” herunterladen. Yes, it sounds harsh, but these folks are extremely disgruntled customers- for whatever reason- who can disrupt your day, get in your face, and make experience a temporary loss of self esteem herunterladen.

You don’t have to let this happen, there are ways of maintaining a sense of control and balance during even the most trying and emotionally reactive customer service call geburtstagsvideo whatsapp kostenlos downloaden. Unfortunately, it can be the one bad customer interaction, especially where you feel that you dropped the ball, that you’ll remember and will bother you, after you’ve had 1,000 good ones googel play store herunterladen. That’s why I am presenting to you this list of 7 tools which will aid you greatly in keeping your heading and a sense of control when dealing with highly emotional, angry, out of control customers download rtl app.

Use Pure Listening

Often, as a home contracting professional, we want to jump in and fix the problem before we’ve even heard the customer’s whole speech download veryfitpro. Maybe we assume something about a customer’s issue and jump to a conclusion. Or we decide that they don’t really know what they’re talking about Download myaudi map update. Or, we say to ourselves “I’ve heard this one before.” Let them speak first and listen completely. Have no filters in your listening. Offer no resistance herunterladen. Actively listen but don’t say a word, except the briefest acknowledgment that you’re actually on the line. Let them say everything they want to get off their chest, and then create a time buffer between them speaking and you speaking, so it doesn’t feel like you had your answer anxiously waiting to go download installer os x el capitan.

Continue reading “How to Stand Strong with Pushy Customers”

Total Immersion 2-Day Advanced Class

BY: Julie Crisara

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Remember, before you can attend the 2-day advanced training you have to be a graduate of the 3-day basic training prior to attending.  You can do this all in one week or by taking the basic training first and then return when you’re ready at anytime in the future download swisscom mycloud photos.

Continue reading “Total Immersion 2-Day Advanced Class”

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Plumbing, Electrical & HVAC Student TI Testimonials

BY: Joe Crisara

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Total Immersion students who attended a recent HVAC Plumbing & Electrical sales training summit discuss a range of topics starting with their greatest challenge, their expectations from sales training and what they thought of the training and “Uncle Joe.” In the end, everyone is asked to rate the training on a scale of 1 to 10 winrar herunterladen kostenlos. Watch and enjoy the excitement of these students.

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“Your stuff blows me away…”

BY: Joe Crisara

Found a New Best Friend

“Your stuff just blows me away herunterladen! I thought I hired a consultant and wound up with a new best friend. I am a Nexstar member that thought he had seen everything.

I have gotten more in 30 minutes of conversation with you then I have received in years of business training elsewhere lkw simulator kostenlos herunterladen. The key is your material doesn’t just say what to do, but also HOW to get it done.

Your commitment to doing something as small as picking up the phone when I call you really means the world to me paint shop pro free nederlands. Thank you very much for being a part of our business.”

Kyle Lumsden
Clearview Plumbing
Calgary, Alberta

“I Feel Like a New Person”

BY: Joe Crisara

The Hammers Gonna Break

“Hi Joe just wanted to thank you free cad kostenlos deutsch. I just completed my training today and I feel like a new person. I just have a different outlook on life and the way I will handle every conversation fotos van flickr downloaden. I already used the training in a conversation I had with someone today.

Joe I wish all people in the service contracting business would have the guts to attend your training church music for free. The reason is that I think that what you provide is not just a sales class but is the very essence of customer service. I think that the words service is lost on most contractors and you class should be required for anyone hoping to make customers happy amazon drive bilder herunterladen.

I can’t wait for work Monday!! WOW that sounds weird. I will talk to you next week with my first results. I can’t wait for my first “SO WHAT SHOULD WE DO????????” The hammer’s gonna break the table when I slam it down! herunterladen openoffice!

P.S. I just did my first $20,000 week this week. I am sure there will be many more to come.”

Anthony Paolicelli
Jones Service
Goshen, NY

“I am finally learning how to do things right.”

BY: Joe Crisara

Happier Customers Leads To More Profits

“6 months ago I came across ContractorSelling.Com while was searching the web for a way that I could find more customers window live mail herunterladen. Who would have though that I already had more than enough customers? I just was not doing all of the work that they wanted.

One of the first times I used the system I sold a job for $14,000 (A far cry from my average ticket of $135.00) download video from the mdr mediathek. If I had not used your system I would have walked away from that job thinking the customer never would have paid a third of that.

As I learn more skills, my profits increase along with the number of happier customers download zpo. Something that never would have imagined 6 months ago. I am finally learning how to doing things right. Thanks a million, especially for the first real vacation that my wife and I got to go on in 5 years.”

Marty Mortensen
Mortensen Custom Plumbing
Flagstaff, AZ

“Your The Man!”

BY: Joe Crisara

No More “Think It Overs”

“You’re the man whatsapp klingeltöne herunterladen! No doubt about it. I just came back from a call after attending your one-day “Mini-Immersion” training and sold a job for $20,000 that I would have been lucky to get $7,000 or $8,000 before herunterladen.

In truth, I probably would have gotten a “think it over” and instead I got the job.

Then the following week I used your 6 options process and put together a premium solution for a customer that needed a whole house re-pipe a star is born herunterladen.

Well, there was no way I thought that she would buy the top option because it had so many premium services and warranty’s included. Well, I am here to tell you that I was wrong again as she picked an option to do a complete premium plumbing renovation for $64,000 whatsapp download blackberry bold. Thanks for your great information and for helping me create solutions that are clearly better that any of my competitors.”

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw Plumbing
Monrovia, California

“Did in 2 Days What I Did In Some Months!”

BY: Joe Crisara

Reporting Back

“Joe I just wanted to report back to you that today on my first call after training I sold $9,223 download iphone mails automatically. The guys at my shop and myself were amazed at how easily the customer bought after I handled only two objections on that call.

The system showed me how this day was no fluke as I did a little over $4,500 on two calls on my second day Download 3 sat mediathek! So in two days after returning I did over $13,800. I have had struggles in the past reaching those numbers in a month. My third day had me doing all the work minecraft hacks downloaden. (Somebody’s gotta do it!)

The biggest thrill about the last couple of days is in seeing how happy my customers were after they selected and purchased the options they chose duolingo app kostenlos herunterladen. This is really more customer service than it is sales training.

I just wanted to say thank you to you and Julie for all your help.”

Matt Szymanski
Jones Services
Goshen, NY

“The Big Brother We Never Had…”

BY: Joe Crisara

Consultant Is a Dirty Word

“We call them consultants, and to many it is a dirty word, and one that means spend a lot of money and get little in return ab durch die hecke pc spiel kostenlos downloaden.

Well I and my staff and company just had Joe Crisara of at our company for the last four days and all I can say is incredible herunterladen. “When I met Joe some three weeks ago at one of his seminars, I thought “Boy, I need him to help get my HVAC division making money.” So I booked Joe to come to Boston download ios beta. Mind you I was very scared that my staff would take the attitude that here we go another guy who was going to tell us what we are doing wrong then split wie mms herunterladen. That was far from the case.

Respectful Of Our Staff

Joe was very warm, sensitive, and respectful of all our staff macbook fotoen. He went about getting to know who we were, what we did, how we did it, and then began to share his views. His approach to our problems, needs and what direction we should take and how to begin he was right on target microsoft publisher 2013 kostenlos downloaden. Continue reading ““The Big Brother We Never Had…””

“I’m Enjoying What I Do Now More Than Ever”

BY: Joe Crisara

All This Time I Was Only A Few Questions From Closing The Deal

“I’m enjoying what I do now more than ever herunterladen. The meeting has made a huge difference already. My confidence alone has gone up 1000 fold knowing I can handle any objections people give me.

Also, the fact that I am able to do the work that has always needed to be done, but never thought I could get people to pay for, is now an option every call bilder aus samsung cloud herunterladen. This means my customers are finally getting the service experience they deserve from our company.

I still can’t believe how well this system works hp laserjet 1020 treiber download kostenlos. I am kicking myself for the number of tables I have gotten up and walked away from when I was only a few questions away from closing a deal. Thank you so much.”

Dustin Cheek
Cheek HVAC
Atlanta, Georgia

“I have Truly Profited From Being a Member”

BY: Joe Crisara

Focused On Results

“Joe, I really and truly feel that you are one of the few people in this industry who are focused on results Download music amazon without app. You and Rick Picard have helped and inspired me to reach sales levels that I did not think were possible.

I really have to admit that your stuff really works fonts to download for free. My sales have increased by 4 times what they were before I met you. I have seen the pretenders who are part of the “good old boy” HVAC networks that include trade magazines and other self proclaimed gurus who are so busy congratulating themselves and giving each other phony awards that they lose track of who they are serving fifa 18 kostenlos herunterladen. That is us the service contractor.

You and Julie at are the complete opposite of the others. Your dedication for staying with me in both tough times and good times show your commitment to this industry herunterladen. If people have doubts about joining or attending one of your Total Immersion Sales Summit’s, by all means have them call me so I can share my experience with them mit opera videos downloaden.

My family and I thank you for the information that your site has provided. I have made my investment back many times over. I have truly profited from being a member download aboalarm cancellation. Thank you.”

John Quinn
Quinn’s PHC
Philadelphia, PA

“It Has Paid For Itself Many Times Over…”

BY: Joe Crisara

Raising Your Level of Services

“The program is working very well Download prime videos to mac. What we received mostly from your training is how high our expectations should be for our numbers. Several of the guys now have a goal of $20,000 per week in customer solutions AND they are reaching their goals herunterladen!

I would say the class is a lot more about how to raise your level of services to meet the price you are trying to get. Now I feel as though our customers will always receive the value they want instead of what we were trying to sell them herunterladen.

This truly gives the customer control and let’s them buy the way they want. The enthusiasm and company pride has also risen since the class.”

Mike Medaglia
Waterworks Plumbing & Heating
Washington Township, NJ

“Screaming endorsement of Joe Crisara…”

BY: Joe Crisara

A Screaming Endorsement

“This is a screaming endorsement of Joe Crisara and his ability to motivate service technicians video bei youtube downloaden. The weatherman reports that May was the coldest in 30 years for Charlotte NC.

On the first Tuesday in May we had Joe come in and do his tune up program, here are the results herunterladen. The best month in the history of our service department. Average of $20,416 per van with few no cool calls, most calls were tune ups. I even had 3 techs call me the next day and thank me for bringing Joe in download bayern 1 app. Thanks Joe.”

Roger Costner, Owner
Brothers Heat & Air
Rock Hill, SC

“She Chose The Highest Option!”

BY: Joe Crisara

Excited To Learn More

“By the way Joe, I sold a 1,600.00 plumbing repair yesterday microsoft picture manager download deutsch kostenlos. Usually, when I supply a price that high to a wife alone at home, she’ll say, “I’ll have to talk this over with my husband”. I used your advice and asked her if she was the person to make the decision today herunterladen. She hesitated then responded with a yes.

I then proceeded to supply her with 4 options. I couldn’t come up with 6. She chose the highest one herunterladen. I also sold another furnace for over $7,000 from what I learned on your site.

Joe I also want to say that I am amazed at the fact that whenever I call you that you actually answer the phone windows 10 home iso datei herunterladen. I have never seen any best practice group or consultant that is as responsive as you and Julie are.

To me this shows that you will be there for me when the rubber hits the road warzone kostenlos pc download. I am finally excited about my future as a contractor and to also learn more with each passing day. Thanks for helping me.”

John Stutt
1st Choice Plumbing
British Columbia, Canada

“Joe Rocks!…”

BY: Joe Crisara

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Exposed To It All

“Joe rocks kann man filme bei amazon prime herunterladen! I have been exposed to many different types of sales and business training and never have I seen anyone with the commitment of Joe & Julie.

You guys are definitely the best bang for your buck consultants on earth minecraft free for tablet. I really enjoyed your visits to my shop and for givining us the needed help in increasing our sales and also for helping our office staff succeed as well

Thanks for all of your help.”

Gary Wilson
Wilson Services
North Hampton, MA