Super Meeting on September 12th in Cleveland

BY: Joe Crisara

Spend A Day With The $7M Dollar Salesman

Imagine your best sales or service people having the opportunity to spend an entire day learning the strategies, mindset and techniques with $7 million dollar residential HVAC-Plumbing & Electrical Replacement Service Advisor, Rick Picard and me, Joe Crisara download music from amazon on pc.

Think about it. What would a “day in the life” of the highest performing HVAC service advisor be like?  It’d be like spending a day with Michael Jordan talking basketball, or talking about pitching with Nolan Ryan, or sitting down with Wayne Gretsky exploring hockey.  In this case you and your service or sales people could spend the entire day with Rick and I wordpress bild aus mediathek herunterladen.

What if they (and you) had 1 day where every sales or service question is answered, every strategy is revealed and every problem your people face have a solution given to them?  More importantly they’d be forging a one-on-one relationship with the “Babe Ruth” of service contracting sales results.  What would building a relationship with the top performer be worth to you and your team gmx mail downloaden?

Well wonder no more, that day is here! Rick Picard and Joe Crisara will host our Super Meeting at Contractor Leadership Live in Cleveland, Ohio on Tuesday September 12th for a day you don’t want to miss.  A day that will live in history as perhaps the greatest game changer for you and your company totally accurate battle simulator for free.

Here’s how this day will unfold…

Continue reading “ Super Meeting on September 12th in Cleveland”

7 Counter-Intuitive Ways To Use Flat Rate Pricing

BY: Joe Crisara

Good Money After Bad

Pricing jobs by parts and hours of labor is like throwing money out the window hier ihr ebooken.

The cost of most parts in the plumbing, electrical and HVAC worlds are astonishingly low compared to the reliability, safety and health you provide to your customers adobe photoshop chip kostenlos downloaden. Many of your field service techs often get major repairs or replacements done relatively quickly, often within a couple or few hours. Compared to the immense utility and benefit being given, your company collects very little revenue windows xp professional.

You cannot just make up the discrepancy by stating an incredibly high hourly rate, as customers have a ballpark idea of what people charge out there download qgis icons. When your plumbing business charges the same hourly rate as a corporate attorney or top tier computer systems programmer, customers are going to walk away, be resentful or write horrible reviews on Yelp mario kart 8 herunterladen. You need to have a pricing method that makes good sense to the customer and reinforces to them (and to yourself) the considerable value proposition that you offer download the firefox page.

The pricing method that will bring in the revenues and profits you deserve is called flat rate pricing. However, when instituting a flat fee policy, it is easy to stumble on the various pitfalls that exist which will seriously harm your bottom line adac app herunterladen. The following guidelines are essential to maximizing your pricing policy to run a successful service business. Continue reading “7 Counter-Intuitive Ways To Use Flat Rate Pricing”

Selling On Tough Calls: Multiple Estimates

BY: Julie Crisara

That Moment You Realize This Is A Tough Call

Carol looked at me and said, “Just so you know, we’re getting 3 estimates before we make a decision.” Not to be outdone by his wife, Bob yelled, “Four estimates,” as he turned and walked into the other room Download the nutrition plan for free.  I thought to myself, I haven’t even taken off my shoes yet and this is what I get.  I hate these multiple estimate tough calls.  Just then Joe walked in the door and introduced himself alle tkkg folgen kostenlos downloaden.  “Hi, I’m Joe Crisara, the quality control manager.  How are you today, Carol?”

Carol gave Joe that same determined look and said, “I just want you to know that we have 3 estimates lined up this week and we won’t be making any decisions until we hear them all.”

“First, let me say thanks for calling us and for the opportunity to help you and your family with this issue entspannungsmusiken kostenlos. It’s a pleasure and an honor to be here today and it really means a lot to us that you chose our company to assist you. Carol, can I ask you a question?” “Of course,” Carol said brennprogramm für windows vista kostenlosen.

“Carol, I really appreciate your honesty about getting 3 prices before making a decision.  We don’t go out for dinner these days without seeing the different options available to us and the prices alongside them thanks to social media and sites like Yelp herunterladen. They’ve changed the restaurant industry.”

Joe wasn’t phased a bit by Carol’s comment and immediately followed with, “We like to think that we are changing the way service contractors do business with homeowners like yourself as well diablo kostenlos downloaden vollversion deutsch. You said you are only going to get 3 estimates.  Our company gives 6 estimates on every call, kind of like that insurance company where you name your own price.  This way you have all the possibilities right in front of you at the same time yed download.  So why are you limiting yourself to only 3 estimates?”

Carol was a bit stunned and didn’t know what to say but was able to stumble out the words, “We are actually getting 4 estimates.”  Joe just rolled with the punches, but I could tell he was wareing her out wimmelbild spiele vollversion kostenlos downloaden pc. “I understand Carol.  I’m not trying to make you feel bad.  It’s just that if I were to show you my 6 estimates instead of only 4, and you liked one of those options, what would happen next?” Continue reading “Selling On Tough Calls: Multiple Estimates”

The Art of Not Caring (…when you actually do)

BY: Joe Crisara

It seems like one of those weird, counter-intuitive rules, but it’s true super mario 3d world downloaden. Removing yourself emotionally from the outcome of a frustrating sales or service negotiation is the winning move when confronted with such a conundrum adobe flash player download mac kostenlos deutsch. You’ve probably been there- a wrenching, difficult interaction with someone at work. It could be a superior, an associate or a customer. Afterwards you felt exhausted and also had that electric “fight-or-flight” feeling foto's download wetransfer iphone. It’s not a good sensation, you don’t want this much drama in your life- and especially not at work.

When you feel like you’ve been through the emotional ringer after a work argument, it means that you grasped too tightly to the importance that you assigned to the result ö1 broadcast. It also means that you closed off your mind to listening to the other person’s point of view, even if it seemed totally incorrect or suspect at the outset stack ball herunterladen. It seems like an impossible contradiction, but it’s not. You should care deeply about your work performance generally, but not care too much about the results of any one transaction download schiff simulator for free.

It’s natural for us to mix our emotions into things that we invest out time and energy into. Even more so when those activities involve making a living and have an element of competition emergency 3 free download full version. The big winners in any field, however, learn to divorce themselves from the “scoreboard” as a measure of their value. They also stop seeing others’ actions as being personally against them ps4 version 6.20 herunterladen nicht möglich.

A sales transaction can be emotional for the buyer, but it shouldn’t be for the seller- which is you. Train yourself not to care too much or become attached to the result of any given customer situation simulator spiele kostenlos downloaden handy. Or even interactions with co-workers, suppliers or whomever. When you “need” a certain outcome too much, that desperation makes you appear as if you don’t really hold power and inarguable quality süße katzenbilder kostenlosen. Real quality never has to beg and scrape. Real quality can walk away today and will get more than enough jobs tomorrow. Buyers are attracted to that because people generally want to go with a winner.

Is ‘Yes’ Your Dirty, Overused Word? Continue reading “The Art of Not Caring (…when you actually do)” Drives New Wave of Trained Service Contractors at Contractor Leadership LIVE Seminar

BY: Joe Crisara, a leader in online coaching and live training for service contractors, has partnered with Contractor Leadership LIVE to educate and inspire transformation in service businesses from all trades Download vlc speler for free., a leader in online coaching and live training for service contractors, and Contractor Leadership LIVE team up to educate and inspire transformation in service businesses from all trades herunterladen.

Contractor Leadership LIVE will be held on September 12-14, 2017 in Cleveland, Ohio with the top industry experts to train professionals in the HVAC, plumbing and electrical trades amazon prime music download pc. In one expansive gathering place, attendees will learn vital information concerning the economic outlook, current industry challenges, and explore new technologies garmin basecamp downloaden windows 10. This three-day conference offers best practices from the premier trainers in the world renowned for helping contracting business owners pave their way to success pdf programm downloaden. CEO and co-founder, Joe Crisara will provide a special keynote along with Rick Picard, the $7 Million Dollar HVAC Salesman, on “Pure Motive Pricing: The Art of Flat Rate 3.0” to educate contractors on the new protocol for pricing and technology in the service industry herunterladen.

Continue reading “ Drives New Wave of Trained Service Contractors at Contractor Leadership LIVE Seminar”

Prioritizing Calls When You’re Swamped

BY: Joe Crisara


Time is the great equalizer videos from youtube ss. No matter how big your company is, time is a commodity that becomes very limiting in terms of the ability to be there when our best clients need us.  Both large and small companies are basically “closed for business” once their schedules become saturated with opportunities netflix film downloaden ipad.

Drinking From a Fire Hose

In the service industry, you have to be more than quick on your toes kindle bücher kostenlos downloaden. Especially when calls are pouring in because of some extreme weather or other phenomena causing increased customer need. This tends to happen in the summer months when the weather is hot and many residential AC systems start to fail and need repair download cewe fotobuch software. The spring brings flooding season, accompanied by an influx of calls for plumbers. Additionally, electricians feel the rush to fix heating units before the holidays at the end of the year.  No matter what industry you’re in, there will be a time when you can’t keep up musik download kostenlos auf handy.

Having enough opportunity can quench the thirst of going through a dry spell.  But when it’s TOO busy, it’s like drinking from a fire hose.  You can literally drown your company in too much opportunity and then pay the price in unpaid overtime expenses, employee burnout and unhappy loyal clients leading to the ultimate destruction of your business wie kann ich bei amazon hörbücher herunterladen.

The System IS the Solution

To begin thinking about a “systematic” priority system, consider what’s needed as a version of emergency room triage download microsoft office 2016 for free.  Just like a hospital, we need to make sure that the more urgent patients get service first, while taking into account whether the patient has the right provider that’s covered in their network amazon video downloaden pc. Plus, we’ve got to make sure that all the proper paperwork has been completed to secure the financial obligations that go along with an emergency service like that passepartout spiel herunterladen.

Continue reading “Prioritizing Calls When You’re Swamped”

8 Reasons Why You’re Losing Sales and Wasting Time

BY: Joe Crisara

It’s easy to have a great, confident attitude when the wind’s at your back and victories are coming in motorola bilder herunterladen. Those are the times when just about anybody can show the grace of professionalism. But face a prolonged dry spell or series of difficult obstacles, and that’s when you find your deep inner character herunterladen. When a winner faces uphill battles, he displays the same commitment to the basics as when things are easy. He doesn’t check out or feel sorry for himself, he puts his head down and hits the heavy bag, so to speak ccleaner. Luckily, you can work on your traits when facing adversity. I’ve learned from years in the service industry, and these tips will make you the kind of diehard professional for whom defeat is simply not an option why can't I download tumblr.

1. Who Is At The Center of a Customer Interaction?

Who’s the most important person when you’re talking to a customer amazon prime filme herunterladen auf pc? Your ego wants to say that you are but your professional mind should know that it’s the customer. You put the customer and their needs first, and your needs will be taken care of in the long run coin master for free. Nine tenths of your effort should be on finding out about the customer, and one tenth should go toward telling about yourself. Too much paperwork or show-offy materials will sink a deal fast whatsapp symbole herunterladen.

You must find out about your customer’s life, family, pets, job, interests, hobbies, etc. What do they love? Do they have children with allergies or other medical issues mail app herunterladen? You can offer a higher quality AC unit with a HEPA filter or dehumidifier. Are they all about protecting the environment?  If they are, you can offer them some green, environmental-friendly solutions like solar panels or a water efficient toilet download dropbox whole folder. Continue reading “8 Reasons Why You’re Losing Sales and Wasting Time”

Have You Taken Stock of Your Techs’ Toolkits Recently?

BY: Joe Crisara

You can’t expect your employees to do their best work if they have inferior, broken, or missing tools and resources for solving problems dasta app herunterladen. An effective car mechanic has all of the mechanical necessities laid out neatly in a multi-drawer toolbox, with printed car manuals nearby. Similarly, your employees need to have work tools, technology and information “aid out so they can find the right piece when they need it farming simulator 17 zum herunterladen.

Ask your workers, “If you had a magic wand, what would you wish for that would make your job easier?” Even if you perfectly equipped your employees at the beginning, industries are constantly changing with the introduction of new codes, technological standards and ever-evolving customer needs grußkarten selbst gestalten kostenlosen. As a service business owner, it’s your responsibility to keep the team and its tools up to date Download handy games for free without registering samsung.

Expectations Equal Results

Often, managers and owners get frustrated with what they perceive as a lack of results or low performance. However, just as often managers and leaders neglect to explain the company’s goals and priorities in the first place — they just assume employees will figure it out herunterladen. And we all know what happens when you assume.

As a service business owner, it’s your responsibility to keep the team and their tools up to date herunterladen.

A service company has to have performance goals so each employee knows exactly what’s expected. Have a mission statement with a clear list of top goals and non-negotiable points when it comes to employee conduct and performance as well app without wi-fi. The higher ups need to define the essential vision, which translates into actions. This will convey to workers not only what they need to be doing but also why they need to be doing it herunterladen.

Training, Not Explaining

Continue reading “Have You Taken Stock of Your Techs’ Toolkits Recently?”

Caution Ahead: Getting Through Tricky Customer Interactions

BY: Joe Crisara

Let me start by saying I LOVE sports download word for free windows 10. I believe anybody who is a competitor, is drawn in by those who strive to reach the highest level of a sport they are passionate about.  When playing a professional sport, an athlete would never neglect practice herunterladen. They would never choose the easiest, low-pressure scenarios as preparation for actual games. They push their bodies beyond the limit and that’s why they are the best video player download kostenlos chip. If they only took slow, steady grounders in the infield, they probably wouldn’t win a game or have a job for much longer.

The same scenario applies to contractors in the service business windows 10 herunterladen free. It’s not the easy, friendly customers that you need to worry about. It’s how you respond to the ones who throw difficult curve balls that separates you from your competition website herunterladen offline.

Using the strategies below, you can anticipate conversation-stoppers or deal-killers, and break on through to create productive and profitable working relationships with your clients itunes download german kostenlos.

They Come By Many Different Names & Games

You will start to notice patterns in the types of frustrating answers that potential clients throw back at you videos von youtube herunterladen app. You can name them and tape those labels to the wall (where no customer would ever see them!) if that helps motivate you and your team. I have certainly noticed these repeat types of objections or challenges you hear from customers on a service call, and I’ve applied my own set of labels to them facebook titelbild herunterladen. I’ll share some of them here:

– The Gatekeeper wants you to tell him all your prices upfront and then he’ll go talk to his wife and get back to you rollercoaster tycoon classic gratis downloaden.

– The Apple Buyer got a full proposal from another company and just wants to know your price.

– Mr pdf architect 4 download kostenlos. Stuck in the Past tells you he had it fixed during the Nixon years for $187 and asks if that’s still the price.

– The Broke Ass just spent a load of money on his gold-lined Jacuzzi and now has nothing left for the house electrical.

– Mystification Man tells you everything’s working fine right now but he just wants to get it checked out.

– The Know-It-All informs you that he’s already figured out exactly what the problem is and that’s all he wants done.

There’s a lot more of these colorful characters but they all really have more in common than not. The good news is that you only have to stick with a small set of simple, strong principles in order to take back control of the interaction and create outcomes worthy of the professional, pure motive service that you and your company are providing.

Continue reading “Caution Ahead: Getting Through Tricky Customer Interactions”

Ten Ways to Avoid Price Objections

BY: Joe Crisara

The concept of value-added selling has been a popular one for a number of years download indesign fonts. In fact, in today’s contracting world you are left with two choices.

1.       Provide excessive value for the price that you charge amazon filmeen mac.

2.       Charge a cheaper price for the low value you provide.

That’s right, the natural laws come into place here viber download kostenlos für pc. In the world today the buyer will either force you to either provide more value to get the price you need. Or they will force you to lower your price if you refuse to raise your value download instagram videos.

There is no doubt

Without value-added components, any product or service can be driven down to the most bottom line – price download vlc cover.

What is the problem with that?

When you are only selling price, you’ll never be able to make high margin sales where profitability, long term growth and sales success reside videos downloaden von webseiten. Let’s take a look at 10 ways how you can add value to your product or service, no matter brand of equipment you sell.

Some salespeople might argue by saying, “You don’t understand, my product is different,” or “My service is different.” The truth is that every product or service can have value added to it penny app. Let’s take a look at 10 specific ways that you can do this:

1. Providing expert advice and a high level of professionalism win 10 update manuell herunterladen. Lots of professionals are paid a tidy sum for the level of advice that they provide. However, for you as a home comfort sales professional, in order for you to be able to provide value, you need to understand that you have to provide a level of advice that is significantly higher, more sophisticated and more valuable than that of your competition herunterladen. Plus, you have to be able to communicate this to your prospect in a meaningful way. What this means communicating to your prospect a higher level of sophistication, wisdom and understanding about what it is you do lieder von amazon herunterladen. In a nutshell, why are you different and better than your competition? Odds are you have already purchased things like IAQ monitors, Infiltrometers, duct blasters and heat exchanger cameras. Now know when to use them. By all means, do use them.

2. Bundling and packaging. I’m not only talking here about the way your product or service actually looks. I’m also talking about desirable packages, purchasing levels and a series of added benefits that are significant in value and are, themselves, a whole lot more valuable than simply the product is by itself. Clean air packages, Silent system packages etc. Continue reading “Ten Ways to Avoid Price Objections”

Avoid Creating Your Own Personal Recession

BY: Joe Crisara


Let’s be honest– completely separate from how you run your contracting company, there is a thing out there called the economy Free music download programs. I’m talking specifically about the macro economy. Macro means big and that means the economy on a regional, state wide or national level. There are many factors that go into the condition of the macro economy- the cumulative effects of millions of decisions by consumers, producers and investors- but you yourself are unable to have almost any effect on it fitbit versa zifferblatt kostenlos.

It is what it is, and like a boat floating on the waves of the ocean, your best bet is to keep an eye on what kind of weather is coming, so you can adjust your sails accordingly automatischen itunes. There are things you can do to protect the financial viability of your home contracting business in tough times. Just as, conversely, there are things you can do to accelerate a downward spiral as cooler economic times approach download microsoft word 2007 for free in full. The idea is to cultivate the former while eliminating the latter.


Especially in an economic chill, go to your existing (which includes previous) customer base herunterladen. They will provide a very worthwhile foundation from which to gain jobs and increase revenue. In the home contracting industry we often think that all of our next client interactions and paid work contracts need to be brand new people we’ve never seen before delta radio app herunterladen.

But so often, a good former customer can become a return or repeat customer. Sometimes it just takes reaching out with a check-in and an offer of a home inspection, or the suggestion of replacing old wiring and outlets or pipes and washers on the verge of cracking undertale herunterladen.

Your overhead will stay pretty much the same regardless of how the economy is doing. So you may as well go back to your existing customer base and see what they need- leaving no stone un-turned and really maxing out your interactive customer service herunterladen.

But what about when you’ve tapped everyone you know?

IT’S A PEOPLE GAME Continue reading “Avoid Creating Your Own Personal Recession”

No is Not an Option!

BY: Joe Crisara

One of the most important jobs we have is turning a customer’s “No” into a “Yes” pinterest bild downloaden. And it’s not as complicated as you might think. A great tool to help bridge the gap between a doubtful or resistant homeowner and a happy, satisfied customer is the option sheet skype für windows 7 kostenlos herunterladen. It serves as a set of firm guidelines, ensuring that premium, pure motive service is offered every time. This helps to remind techs communicating with potential customers to be thorough and diligent about every part of the service interaction modern warfare herunterladen ps4. But an option sheet is only as strong as the words written on it. That’s why it’s important for dispatchers / SWAT team members to run their own quality assurance on it every time download faststone image viewer.

The first question a SWAT team member (this stands for Strength Weakness Analysis Threat) needs to ask about the service tech’s option sheet is…

Are There Options far cry 3 herunterladen?

The service tech should always offer 2 premium, 2 mid-range, and 2 economy options. By giving a variety of service options at 3 major price levels, we are accommodating different kinds of customers and making them feel like their particular situation with regard to needs and costs is understood by us herunterladen.

The option sheet’s different price points need to reflect an even spread. Imagine if you went to Best Buy to purchase a television and the 6 TV’s you saw their cost $3,500, $1,200, $1,197, $1,150, $1,125, $1,100 download postbank sales. You’d be thinking- where’s the one for $2,400? Where’s the one for $600? If there are excessive gaps in price between options, customers will start to think that some other service provider out there will offer something in that gap herunterladen.

Does the option sheet show an absolute least expensive bottom option? This would be like finding the customer’s broken wire, even if you weren’t fixing it Need for speed carbon full version free pc german. It could be just a diagnosis.

Continue reading “No is Not an Option!”

Wait, There’s An App for That?

BY: Joe Crisara

Apps that translate the field to the customer save time and make the tech’s job a whole lot easier word downloaden kostenlos vollversion.

Welcome to 2017, where smart technology is wearable and apps are everywhere lol herunterladen kostenlos. While it’s true that contractors have been getting along just fine for years without being completely connected to their phones, there is a lot of software out there that aims to lessen some of the burdens and annoyances that technicians face on and off the field by streamlining some of the processes and making customers more accessible zoom herunterladen schweiz. This month we wanted to showcase some apps that incorporate functions like scheduling, building customer relationships, troubleshooting, GPS mapping — basically anything that eliminates paperwork, saves time and makes a job run smoother herunterladen.

Jobi App

jobi is a field service software that provides contractors with a platform to manage and grow their business, right from their phone menschen herunterladen. From scheduling to dispatch, price packaging to invoices, GPS mapping to sales metrics and much more — jobi has compiled the tools contractors need to get the job done right sendung mit der maus kostenlos herunterladen. Jobi also comes with a homeowner app to stay connected with customers on the go. Users can generate more sales on the same number of calls and create a steady revenue stream windows 8.1 for free.

The jobi app features the functions service contractors need to get the job done, including:

• Schedule service calls and dispatch opportunities adblock plus für firefox download kostenlos.
• Track technicians in the field and find the fastest route via GPS mapping.
• View current sales and set sales goals on real-time dashboard address book.
• Create premium, mid-range and economy choices in one click.
• Scan credit cards and capture signatures all in the app.
• Record audio during service calls for training purposes and to improve customer satisfaction csv passeding ing.
• Import and export to QuickBooks to keep all transactions in sync.
• Create on-the-fly digital invoices for individual products and services.
• Get branded homeowners app to stay connected with customers.
• Customers can track service plans, warranties and service history right from their phones.
• Make remote presentations and share with all decision-makers.
• Easily track purchasing trends on the real-time results dashboard.

Contractors using the app and Service Level Option Maker report an average 378 percent increase in revenue from the same amount of calls. Using jobi’s built-in price level option creator (Platinum, Gold, Silver as well as various warranty plans and more) gives customers a choice of repairs or solutions. One user account is free and plans are affordable for service contracting businesses of all sizes.

Visit for more information.

Continue reading “Wait, There’s An App for That?”

Why Your Team Is Under-Performing

BY: Joe Crisara

We all know that employee download cloud pbx. The one that shows up late every day. The one that takes hour-long lunches. The one who always has an excuse for why something didn’t get done or why they lost a sale download youtube videos windows phone. But sometimes, it’s hard to diagnose and even harder to fix. After all, no one is perfect and everyone has bad days. So how can you truly know who is slacking, and what can you do about it fluidsim download for free german? As the business owner of a contracting company, this could take form in the following visible symptoms…

  • Trucks trashed with garbage every night iphone xs bilder herunterladen.
  • Service tickets filled out poorly or not at all.
  • No money collected on repair calls.
  • Traffic tickets or accidents.
  • Broken inventory and parts lol launcher herunterladen.
  • Poor quality work below the standards the tech normally has set.
  • High absentee rate or showing up late consistently.
  • No communication with other team members basecamp voor mac.

Why It’s Happening

Everybody has eventually faced a personal crisis in their lives. For some, these emotional turning points can manifest itself in bad behavior at work afstandmeten routeen. Sometimes stress, as a result of catastrophic changes in the personal or professional lives of your people, can show up in different ways. For most of us, that reflects the level of quality that goes into our work solitär kartenspiel kostenlosen.

Continue reading “Why Your Team Is Under-Performing”

‘Verbal Packaging’— Key to Creating Higher Value

BY: Joe Crisara

In the world of service, the words you use to describe what you do are just as important to your profitability as the actual work you do video auf iphoneen.

Providing real value and solutions, and operating from a place of what I call “pure motive” service are key to my philosophy of running a smooth business mahjong kostenlos herunterladen windows 10. To do this you must transform your business from transactional-based to relationship-based. One of the best strategies to make this change is by using what I call verbal packaging hitman pro free windows 10.

Words Matter
Verbal packaging is about changing your use of words. Are words important? If not, why is there a multi-billion dollar advertising industry mahjong titans download kostenlos? Why are some politicians so much more successful than others? Why do some business executives close difficult deals on a regular basis while others almost never make the sale where can I high sierra? A lot of it has to do with using language to portray value proposition and connect with customers on a deeper level.

As service professionals, you’re going into people’s personal space, so the words you use makes the difference between them writing the check or not geschützte video streams downloaden.

Just about everybody who calls a service technician to their house wants to have the work done. People aren’t calling their plumber or HVAC guy as a practical joke download app without app store. As service professionals, you’re going into people’s personal space, so the words you use makes the difference between them writing the check or not download jave.

Strong Words VS. Weak Words

Without consciously thinking about it, we make word choices that carry an attitude and an energy all the time docplayer documents. As service providers, we can say that there are strong words and weak words. Let’s look at a few examples and compare their effectiveness.

Continue reading “‘Verbal Packaging’— Key to Creating Higher Value”

7 New Solutions to Help Your Clients Automate Their Home

BY: Joe Crisara

As a service professional, the concept of “pure motive service” means constantly offering the customer the most choices possible and knowing that you are truly offering things which are beneficial and will improve their quality of life willy werkel free full version. Besides the standard machinery and components involved with plumbing, electrical and HVAC, there now exist cutting edge electronic products which enable systems and appliances in a home to be controlled through advanced pre-programming as well as in real time through wife-connected devices herunterladen. A house with many of these technological products is often called a “smart home.”

When you make the human connection, when you invest yourself in your customers and really listen, something changes zoom aufnahme downloaden. You key into the details of their wants, needs, issues and overall lifestyle. You get a sense on where they stand when it comes to convenience vs luxury vs frugality vs safety Download scrabble for free. As a top service professional offering pure motive service, you can recommend specific smart home products to different customers because you know positively that they actually would be interested in such a solution and they would benefit from it herunterladen.


Let’s say that your customer is out all day at work, as is their spouse, and their children are at school for at least some of the day, too app spiele zumen. They want to save money on heating and cooling but also maintain a certain temperature all the time so their home climate conditions don’t get too extreme for when family members arrive back home adonis herunterladen. You might suggest a smart thermostat, which allows home owners to view, modify and change their home’s heating and cooling settings from their cellphone, from across town or even while hundreds of miles away download youtube film. Many of these can also sync to voice-interactive smart systems like Google Home, Amazon Echo and Apple Homekit.

If your customers would benefit from having a lot of control over their thermostat, then a smart thermostat would offer them true value and life improvement lootboy kostenlos downloaden. This helps them save money on fuel while still maintaining a desirable climate at all times (perhaps to avoid frozen pipes or distressed pets).

Continue reading “7 New Solutions to Help Your Clients Automate Their Home” Launches New Customer Service Bootcamp for Residential Service Professionals

BY: Joe Crisara

The new 3-day boot camp teaches residential service contractors how to perform the highest level of customer service to grow their business

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, MAY 30, 2017 — Joe Crisara, America’s Service Sales Coach, has created a brand new seminar to teach service professionals how to establish higher value by delivering world-class customer service herunterladen.

This course titled, “WOW Customer Service 3-Day Boot Camp” is the ultimate training seminar that coaches service professionals on how to change their thinking to grow their business download whatsapp videos for free. Attendees are transformed into company leaders that know how to increase value through great service. The seminar will take place on the following dates in Los Angeles and streaming online netflix auf tv herunterladen.

•                  Monday, July 17th – Wednesday, July 19th, 2017

•                  Monday, August 7th – Wednesday, August 9th, 2017

•                  Monday, September 11th – Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

With real world examples, objection handling and personalized recommendations – this course is incomparable to any other training program out there wie kann man sims kostenlos herunterladen. Attendees will take away the keys to create a culture of empowered employees that fuel client engagement and business development.

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Continue reading “ Launches New Customer Service Bootcamp for Residential Service Professionals”

Consultant to Hold ‘Boot Camps’

BY: Joe Crisara is holding three-day customer service “boot camps” aimed at HVAC and plumbing contractors in Los Angeles this summer herunterladen.

Led by Joe Crisara, the sessions will explore how to change thinking to grow business. Topics will include loyalty programs, telephone campaigns and social media reviews Download free games for laptop. The sessions will take place July 17-19, Aug. 7-9 and Sept. 11-13. The sessions will be streamed live on the internet.

Contractors who that already taken the course have good things to say about it, according to program officials bebas new download.

“This is the best career investment that I have ever done,” said Rocky Cocciolo of Shamrock Heating and Cooling. “This system has truly maximized every aspect of world class service, which has had the maximum impact on my clients and personal effectiveness.”

David Mendenhall, Owner of Tri-M Plumbing, had similar comments youtube converter vollversion kostenlos downloaden.

“Not only have my sales abilities rocked, my staff has shown consistent improvement in their numbers,” Mendenhall said. “More importantly, their customer service has improved exponentially!”

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Read the full article in SNIPS Magazine fortnite download nintendo switch. Launches New Customer Service Bootcamp for Residential Service Professionals

BY: Julie Crisara

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (PRWEB) MAY 30, 2017 — Joe Crisara, America’s Service Sales Coach, has created a brand new seminar to teach service professionals how to establish higher value by delivering world-class customer service iphone apps herunterladen anleitung.

This course titled, “WOW Customer Service 3-Day Boot Camp” is the ultimate training seminar that coaches service professionals on how to change their thinking to grow their business youtube herunterladen online kostenlos. Attendees are transformed into company leaders that know how to increase value through great service. The seminar will take place on the following dates in Los Angeles and streaming online vlc for free.

With real world examples, objection handling and personalized recommendations – this course is incomparable to any other training program out there wii spiele downloaden wbfs. Attendees will take away the keys to create a culture of empowered employees that fuel client engagement and business development.

“Not only have my sales abilities rocked, my staff has shown consistent improvement in their numbers,” said David Mendenhall, Owner of Tri-M Plumbing wie kann ich aus der ard mediathek downloaden. “More importantly, their customer service has improved exponentially!” teaches service professionals how increase their level of quality, reliability and customer service through enhanced communication strategies application pattern 2018 for free. Attendees include service business owners, managers and technicians in the electrical, HVAC, plumbing, restoration, roofing, painting industries among many others telefon klingeltöne herunterladen.

Continue reading “ Launches New Customer Service Bootcamp for Residential Service Professionals”

How to Stand Strong with Pushy Customers

BY: Julie Crisara

In the home contracting field, you will experience what I like to to call “service terrorists” herunterladen. Yes, it sounds harsh, but these folks are extremely disgruntled customers- for whatever reason- who can disrupt your day, get in your face, and make experience a temporary loss of self esteem herunterladen.

You don’t have to let this happen, there are ways of maintaining a sense of control and balance during even the most trying and emotionally reactive customer service call geburtstagsvideo whatsapp kostenlos downloaden. Unfortunately, it can be the one bad customer interaction, especially where you feel that you dropped the ball, that you’ll remember and will bother you, after you’ve had 1,000 good ones googel play store herunterladen. That’s why I am presenting to you this list of 7 tools which will aid you greatly in keeping your heading and a sense of control when dealing with highly emotional, angry, out of control customers download rtl app.

Use Pure Listening

Often, as a home contracting professional, we want to jump in and fix the problem before we’ve even heard the customer’s whole speech download veryfitpro. Maybe we assume something about a customer’s issue and jump to a conclusion. Or we decide that they don’t really know what they’re talking about Download myaudi map update. Or, we say to ourselves “I’ve heard this one before.” Let them speak first and listen completely. Have no filters in your listening. Offer no resistance herunterladen. Actively listen but don’t say a word, except the briefest acknowledgment that you’re actually on the line. Let them say everything they want to get off their chest, and then create a time buffer between them speaking and you speaking, so it doesn’t feel like you had your answer anxiously waiting to go download installer os x el capitan.

Continue reading “How to Stand Strong with Pushy Customers”

The Impact Of Lowering Your Price

BY: Joe Crisara

Will Lower Prices Sell More herunterladen?

It’s not hard to find contractors who think they are losing jobs because their competitors have a lower price than them. How many are losing jobs because they lower their price instead of standing firm hotel dash full version for free?

That is a question that is much harder to answer. Especially since most people do not want to face the truth. The truth is that you will lose far more sales with a lower price or worse yet, by lowering the price you have already given than they ever will by having a higher price than your competitors webex download kostenlos.

5 Reasons Why Lowering Your Price Could Cost Sales

1 firefox download for free german windows 10 64 bit. You Look Like Your Competitors – Do you really think that having the lowest price will make you stand out? Every other salesperson says the same thing etiketten maken downloaden. Everyone claims to have the lowest prices because they think it will get the customer’s attention. Even if it did make you stand out, it would be for the wrong reason – the very wrong reason of offering a watered-down version of what people really want etwas aus der ard mediathek downloaden.

A higher price with a more premium package is really the only way to look different from your competition. Offer something better that no one else can offer filmen op macbook air. A lower price just isn’t it.

2. It Takes Focus Off Your Customer – Price does not determine the sale; your customer does mit welche app kann ich musik herunterladen iphone. That means that your attention should be completely on them. Everything you do should help you understand and connect with your customers so that you will discover their motivation for buying vavoo pro kostenlos downloaden.

Customers search for a product that is the best solution to their problem. They understand that a product cannot be the lowest priced and still be the best jdownloader 2 download deutsch kostenlos. Making the sale requires that you find the best solution, not the cheapest.

3. It Decreases Perception Of Your Value – Before every purchase, a customer considers, “Is this worth it?” The answer depends on the value of the product, not the price. If they envision themselves using and benefiting from the product, the answer is yes and the purchase is made. Continue reading “The Impact Of Lowering Your Price”

Put Aside ‘Old School’ Service Agreement Ideas

BY: Julie Crisara

It doesn’t take long after you join or start an HVAC service business when you begin to realize that this business has a “bi-polar” disorder.  Opportunities to serve customers come sporadically in sudden bursts of either “way too busy” or “way too slow” periods sims 2 inhalte downloaden. The ability to do everything from making weekly payroll to paying your supplier’s invoices depends on a consistent supply of opportunity to perform paid service work on a daily basis herunterladen.

With that in mind, in the modern era of high performance service, a “Planned Service Agreement” program is simply the lifeblood of every company that is smart enough to have one aol download for free. So with something so important, how could so many experts have gotten this so wrong for so long?

The importance of maintaining your focus on why the program even exists is paramount to the survival of any company that wishes to sustain the program radar herunterladen.

Continue reading “Put Aside ‘Old School’ Service Agreement Ideas”

Customers Crave Options. Are Your Techs Trained to Deliver?

BY: Julie Crisara

Of course we want our team to perform at their peak performance, but it’s easy to get bogged down in all of the other operations that service managers have to deal with herunterladen. Things like customer service, sales reports, and even HR issues. It can be tempting to focus on putting out fires, and forget to get back to the root of your company’s success: employee onboarding icloud fotos op windowsen. Your company may be solid and revenue may be respectable, but failing to train employees correctly from Day One could leave your business falling short of its potential herunterladen tiptoi.

One of the really common areas for dropping the ball is when a technician arrives at the customer’s house, analyzes the problem, and quotes a simple price to do a simple fix, period herunterladen. No discussion, no explanation of the intricacies and, most importantly, no options when it comes to service.

“Looks like you need a new fan belt adobe indesign free download german. That’s $186, labor included.”

That line may sound okay to a lot of service managers, but it could be the killer to your business. What’s wrong with it download json file? You’re not giving customers what they really want: options.

Continue reading “Customers Crave Options herunterladen. Are Your Techs Trained to Deliver?”

Success is Providing More Value Than Expected

BY: Julie Crisara

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Today on the BCP Show we talk again with Joe Crisara! Joe believes that unless you are the kind of business that is convinced it has proven and real value to offer your customers, you’re never going to have the kind of sales success you deserve download all pdfs of a page. Want more sales? Focus on VALUE.

Listen to the podcast here:

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