Beyond New Year’s Resolutions & S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Part I Planning for Success

By: Joe Crisara

Beyond New Years ResolutionsWith Thanksgiving behind us, the holiday season is well underway and, if you haven’t done so yet, now is the time to plan for next year.

So I strongly encourage you to take this opportunity, before the holiday mindset takes over, to do substantive planning and goal setting to create an actionable plan for an outstanding and profitable new year visio downloaden gratis.

WARNING!!! This not about making New Year’s Resolutions, of which 88% fail, but rather about creating a plan that is tied deeply to your personal vision and values with support to ensure it has the best odds of full execution.

Great businesses undertake this type of work on a quarterly and annual basis. The large plan is laid out for the year and measured against in predetermined increments subscribe to steam.

I’m going to suggest in order to be the best owner and leader, you must create your own personal vision, plan and then execute flawlessly.

In this series, I will go beyond the standard setup for goal setting… We will:

  1. Set the foundation with vision and values exercises read and books online for free.
  2. Spend an entire post dedicated to understanding why we don’t accomplish our goals.
  3. Give you exercises to help you crush your barriers, to stay energized and committed to your plan through to completion.

I thought S.M.A.R.T. Goals were enough, why do all the extra work?

So why add all the extra steps? Why do all the extra work? Why not just set a goal and do it iphone 6s apps downloaden niet?

Let’s use an example of setting a S.M.A.R.T. goal to best explain why vision, values and planning are important additions to success.

Goal: Work out 5 days a week

  • Specific – work out 5 days a week Monday through Friday for 30 minutes at 6:00 AM at the gym across the street.
  • Measurable – I will measure this goal by how many days I work out and I know I will have accomplished my goal by working out 5 days.
  • Achievable – I used to work out 3 days a week, so five days a week seems doable.
  • Relevant – Working out is important, because I like the benefits of feeling good and looking good.
  • Time Bound – I can start this goal next week Monday.

What are the odds of accomplishing this goal? Where does this goal fit into the bigger picture? Why do I want to accomplish this goal besides feeling good and looking good? What could get in the way?

Adding your vision, values and creating a master plan gives you the greater context to answer these questions. In creating a holistic vision for what you want, you tie your goals to the bigger picture. You can see where they fit and what may potentially compete with their success.

By understanding your values, you assess if this goal is important to you. If its not aligned with your values, the chances of success are minimal.

Creating a plan that includes your vision, values and SMART goals gives you the bigger picture of what you want, why you want it and how to make it happen.

Values, vision, goals and plan – what’s the difference?

These are the definitions that will be used throughout this blog series.

  • Values – Values are who we are. They are our beliefs, morals and philosophies that serve as guideposts towards the actions we take.
  • Vision – Future orientated picture of what we want that serves as an inspiration towards formulating our goals.
  • Goals – Something we want to achieve.
  • Plan – A series of sequenced steps and actions.

What’s to come?

There are four posts full of information to set you up for success:

  1. How to conduct a yearly review recognizing your successes while obtaining a baseline for where you are now.
  2. Exercises on clarifying or rediscovering your core values.
  3. How to create a vision, set your SMART goals and lay out the steps.
  4. How competing commitments can sabotage your success.

By the end of the series, you will be equipped with the tools necessary to create and accomplish goals connected to who you are that fit into the bigger picture of your business and life.

Let’s get started!

Next week, I’ll give you a simple 8 step process for your your year end review to see what worked and what didn’t.

For now, I want you to make some space on your calendar and dedicate 1-2 hours per week so you can successfully plan and succeed in the New Year!