“I was one week away from quitting…”

By: Joe Crisara

He Had Me At Hello

“I was literally one week away from quitting this industry after trying many of the traditional sales methods intro erstellen programm kostenlos downloaden. Joe came in on a Sunday and met with our sales team and of course I was skeptical about listening to another sales guru. The second Joe opened his talk my jaw hit the ground Download updates windows 7. As I told him, he had me at hello.”

“I now went from despair to success almost immediately after the week of training canon mx475 treiber software herunterladen. I feel my success is now predictable and certain. I went from the weak link on the sales team to the star of the company. Best of all I now come home to my loving wife with stories of success and not of failure. I call Joe every week and probably will forever. Don’t call Joe unless you are prepared to be captivated and inspired to see a way you have never seen before. If you do call you will get a friend and not just sales training.”


Craig Rogers
Oregon Heating
Newburg, Oregon