How to Make Your Most Premium Solutions Easier to Choose

By: Joe Crisara


Let’s say you’re having the best day of your life. Your ride to work is filled with sunshine and green traffic lights.

At work, every customer you call on loves you and they all say “yes.” You have such a great day, that the boss pulls you into his office and offers you a big, fat raise sportschau videos downloaden. Everything is going right and you feel on top of the world.

On your walk to the parking lot at the end of the day, you find a $50 bill on the ground. But as you bend over to pick it up, you notice a dent on your bumper that wasn’t there before.

In the scope of your best day ever, how big of a catastrophe is that dent in your car java for free? It’s not such a big deal after a day like that, is it?

But let’s say it was your worst day ever. You got a flat tire on the way into work which you had to change in a cold rain. While changing the tire, you busted up your knuckles pretty good, and they’re now bleeding. After you change the tire, you speed to try to get to work on time and get a ticket filme ard zdf downloaden.

When you get in late and wet, the boss chews you out for being unreliable and tells you your job is on the line. Once you do get to working, the customers don’t seem to want to have anything to do with you. They’re downright rude and don’t buy a thing. When the day finally ends, you feel totally beat down. You shuffle out to the parking lot and discover the dented bumper on your car jewel quest solitaire 2 card games for free.

Now, in the scope of your worst day ever… is that dent maybe a bigger deal?

On a good day, that dent in your car is an, “oh well… that stinks” situation. On a really bad day, it’s more of a, “Nooooooo!!! This is terrible! What else could possibly go wrong today?”

That shift in perspective shows you exactly how The Law of Contrast works download free listening games.

When is $300 Less Than $300?

The Law of Contrast explains how we react when we’re presented with two different choices or alternatives at the same time.

Contrasting two or more different choices can distort our perception of both options, as you saw in the example earlier in this article. For the most part, if the second option is very different from the first, we tend to see both options even more differently than they actually are gitarren tabs download kostenlos.

If your dentist straight up tells you that you might need a filling and that it costs $300, you might think, “Dang! $300? That’s a lot of money!”

But if he first said, “Hey, Bob. I’m not sure until I examine you, but at first blush this could require a root canal, possibly some oral surgery, maybe even reconstruction. But I have to be sure.”

You’re thinking, “Oh, man this is going to cost thousands!”

But then he comes back after your exam and says, “Good news spiele kostenlos downloaden vollversion solitär. I think we can just fill this. It’ll only cost about $300.”

Then you’re thinking, “$300? Sweet! I got off easy!”

How Your Mind Views Contrast

See, the human brain needs a benchmark or a comparison to make judgments, especially in unfamiliar situations. Our brains need to make comparisons with our past experiences because they crave contrast.

So when you provide your customers with contrast, you are creating those comparisons for them farm frenzy vollversion kostenlos.

In fact, one of the cornerstones of our Total Immersion Program is the fact that we give customers 6 options on every job. We do this to take advantage of the power of the Law of Contrast.

We teach our students to give each customer two premium options, two mid-range options, and two economy options.

Providing six options this way accomplishes a few very important things…

  1. It provides options, not ultimatums for your customer
  2. The options show customers more permanent, more premium ways to fix their problem they may have never known about
  3. The more premium options create contrast, raising the perceived value of all of the options, and making the lower and mid-range options appear more reasonable and affordable.

The most important part of the Law of Contrast is that it gives you the ability to shift the focus of the customer. By providing a couple more permanent solutions that have higher prices, you’re focusing the customer’s mind on a higher value.

Because when you offer something with a higher cost first, things that are less costly than the higher item will be viewed as even more reasonable.

How to Put Contrast to Work For You

We teach our Total Immersion students to create their top (first) option to get a “no” from their customer. It should be a very high-end, high-investment option. Almost unreasonable so.

Why do we teach that?

Because when faced with a high, almost unreasonable price, the human brain begins to search for a more reasonable offer. At the same time, upon seeing an expensive solution, we incrementally raise our expectations of all solutions.

When we present our high-investment premium solution first, followed by very good but more affordable mid-range and economy solutions, the customer sees the value in those options and perceives them as much more reasonably priced.

While most contractors are still throwing one price ultimatums at customers, our Total Immersion students have been showing each customer 6 options. The result?

Nationwide, over 74% of our client’s customers are choosing in the middle. That represents a significant upward shift in sales and revenue… and it’s all because of the Law of Contrast.

If you’re in a leadership position in your company and you want to learn how to have your whole team selling more and creating more profit than ever before (including how to use the Law of Contrast) you should take a serious look at our industry-leading Total Immersion Program.

Total Immersion will teach you and your team how to get customer buy-in throughout the service and sales process, making the buying experience more enjoyable for them and more profitable for you! Click here to learn more and see when our next summit begins.