Service Mistake #29 – Wasting Your Customers Time

By: Joe Crisara

We are using this as a caricature or “over-exaggeration” to point out some of the things that service techs do by accident kinofilme onlineen. They may not even realize they are doing them until seeing how obvious it is in the film.

Things such as not having a solutions ready before you begin telling people the problems they have are subtle things that many may not notice even when they watch herunterladen.

Other obvious things like allowing service techs to pick their own wardrobe or going out to the truck to figure things out can look like “amateur night” to the customer Download slideshare presentation. You don’t think techs talk on the cell phone about personal business like “canasta night?” Go to a job with a few installers and you will be shocked at the personal business being conducted during normal working hours pages kostenlos downloaden.

I do ride-a-longs and what I see is a fact of life and a day-to-day struggle to get techs to see how important it is to do good service. Maybe when they see what bad service looks like they will be sure not to commit these mistakes video bei facebook herunterladen iphone.

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