Selling the Brand of You

BY: Joe Crisara


If you were around in the 80’s like I was, maybe you remember the “generic brand” at your local grocery stores nachrichten herunterladen.

I’m talking about the plain white packages with only black block letters and a bar code on them.

Those black block letters spelled out things like BEANS, BEER, COLA… and who could forget LUNCH LOAF android 6.0 herunterladen.

It’s not the most loafappealing product name, but you could probably argue that “Lunch Loaf” is no less appetizing than the word “Spam.”

A far cry from all the cool brand names and catchy slogans we’re used to, the marketing strategy behind the generic craze back in the day, was simply to be cheap flash videos download firefox.

That’s it. Low price. That was the only goal, and it was also the only competitive advantage this brand had.

Today the generic brand is gone, but in its place are numerous private label store brands hidrive dateien herunterladen. And if you asked most consumers, you’d find that the majority of them believe that their local grocer’s  “private label” store brand is of equal if not better quality than the national brand herunterladen.

Many recent studies have shown that private label products are growing at a steady pace, and in the grocery business, private label brands now account for a lion’s share of the grocery business prozentrechner herunterladen.

Think about how you shop. When you buy eggs, do you feel like you have to buy a major brand? Or are you just as happy with the store brand? If you’re like most people, you’re perfectly happy to buy the eggs with your local store’s logo on it instead of the national brand.  In fact, because it’s local it may be MORE trusted as well herunterladen.

All the egg and lunch loaf conversation aside… you’re probably wondering how this applies to you as a contractor.

The same principles that have turned numerous companies in other industries into profitable private label masters can also be applied to service contractors wo kann ich windows 10 downloaden. Continue reading “Selling the Brand of You”

Feed Your Ego Or Your Wallet

BY: Joe Crisara

Your Ego Or Your Wallet

One of the biggest weaknesses ineffective salespeople have is their desire to “look good” in front of their customer citrix receiver for free. If only this desire to feed the ego was as great as the desire to feed their wallet, life would be very different for these “happy losers.”

A Happy Loser acrobat reader kostenlos downloaden windows 7?

I use this term because it perfectly describes the salesperson who is happy to look good even if it means no sale. The need to look smart and sharp to a prospect is more important than getting the result they want herunterladen. Their success and their income suffer greatly because of it.

So make your choice right here and now. Do you want to Continue reading “Feed Your Ego Or Your Wallet”