George Costanza School Of Contracting Success

BY: Joe Crisara


Opposite George

The above video clip always makes me burst out in laughter age of mythology kostenlos herunterladen. Do you remember when the TV show “Seinfeld” was a huge hit on NBC’s “Must-See TV” every Thursday? I have probably watched every episode at least 2 or 3 times apple ios 13en. The one episode that really stands out for me more than all the others is the episode where George Costanza decides he’s going to do the opposite of what he would normally do netflix manche serien kann man nicht downloaden. The episode was called “Opposite George.” Continue reading “George Costanza School Of Contracting Success”

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Is Gratitude Part Of Your Sales System?

BY: Joe Crisara

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Without a doubt, life today flies by at record speed and many of us get overwhelmed around the year-end holidays.

I wonder if many people in sales business have thought much about the people who are at the center of whatever success they have achieved wie kann man eine app herunterladen. I know I recently have.

Those thoughts of kindness by everyone who has helped me have really stirred some great emotions inside of me.

Not Everything Has To Be 2.0

The principle of giving thanks is nothing new but it is always in style and appropriate aus der ard mediathek herunterladen. If you’re not sure whether thanks is merited then I would err on the side of doing it anyway just in case it is. Continue reading “Is Gratitude Part Of Your Sales System?”

Referral IQ Test – Do You Pass?

BY: Joe Crisara

It Starts With Great Service

Many people doubt the validity of getting referrals as an actual mix of their marketing download microsoft games. By accident, many people get referred by customers that love them. So let’s face it, referrals start by doing great service that people notice download free candy crush. In my thinking, if you can make something happen on accident, then you can make it happen on purpose.

As usual, the reason something doesn’t work is usually screwed up in the beginning not at the point the problem is apparent flickr herunterladen verbieten. Let me go over the most effective way to get referrals. The key to getting a hot referral is to let the customer know you need their help. We all want to help someone Download a video from facebook. Think about it, if your landscaper told you he needed help getting more business, if you loved his service, wouldn’t you tell everyone you knew my boyfriend spiel kostenlos downloaden? Continue reading “Referral IQ Test – Do You Pass?”

16 DNA Markers Of Top Performers

BY: Joe Crisara

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There is an important question that owners and sales manager’s in a successful contracting business ask themselves before engaging in training, coaching or accountability activities sims 4 children's clothes download.

Here is that question…

“Do I have the right person?”

The difference between mediocre and champion caliber sales managers lies in their willingness to ask this question of every employee, themselves included at any time herunterladen. The mediocre manager falls in love with the personality of the people they manage and assumes things will turn around eventually.

The winning manager never assumes that the person who they manage hasn’t changed to the point where they might not be a fit with the team any longer padlet app herunterladen. In essence they are asking if the employee is capable of performing the skills and techniques that make up their sales system. Furthermore, if they do have those skills are they willing to take action by using them with a potential buyer herunterladen? Continue reading “16 DNA Markers Of Top Performers”

Service Mistake #3 – Making Assumptions About Clients

BY: Joe Crisara

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Do you make assumptions when complimenting things about your customer alle videos downloaden android?

Watch this amusing video about making assumptions and how it can backfire. – I’d love your comments on what we can learn from this…

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The “Dispensable” Service Person

BY: Joe Crisara

“Where’s Jimmy?”

Ralph who is one of the senior techs working at an hvac, plumbing and electrical service business suddenly blurted out a question to his boss, “Hey Bill, where’s Jimmy compas? I haven’t seen him for a couple weeks now.”

Ralph was referring to one of the newer techs who joined the company about a year ago connectify me kostenlos herunterladen. “I think he’s on vacation, right Bill?” said Karen who is one of the CSR’s at the firm. Bill, who has owned the company for 29 years set the record straight, “No, we had to lay him off two months ago when it got real slow.”

Bill of course was just being nice herunterladen. What he didn’t say was that Jimmy was a dispensable employee. He failed to add enough value to the team, his customers and the bottom line to even keep himself employed, much less to be considered a star player police games for free download. Continue reading “The “Dispensable” Service Person”

Making Sure the Customer Is Actually Right

BY: Julie Crisara

Legend has it that, at the turn of the 20th century, the Chicago department store magnate Marshall Field instructed his salespeople that the customer is always right download for mobile phone. Coincidentally, across the Atlantic, French hotelier César Ritz was telling his staff, “Le client n’a jamais tort”—“The customer is never wrong.”

So, for the last century, purveyors of products and services have grappled with the implications of these pronouncements that have become deeply ingrained in the consciousness of their customers minecraft for free. The problem is electrical contractors sometimes must decide when and how to tell the customer he or she is not necessarily exactly right.

“The customer is generally right about wanting to get an electrical project completed or a problem solved but probably not right about what information has to be exchanged and how the job should proceed,” said Joe Crisara, president of consulting firm ältere office version herunterladen. “A given customer calls in an electrician perhaps once every five years or more, but an electrical contractor is handling 400 to 800 calls a year. So who is most likely to know the right way to make a sales call successful and get the project moving in the right direction?”

Continue reading “Making Sure the Customer Is Actually Right”

Service Mistake #29 – Wasting Your Customers Time

BY: Joe Crisara

We are using this as a caricature or “over-exaggeration” to point out some of the things that service techs do by accident kinofilme onlineen. They may not even realize they are doing them until seeing how obvious it is in the film.

Things such as not having a solutions ready before you begin telling people the problems they have are subtle things that many may not notice even when they watch herunterladen.

Other obvious things like allowing service techs to pick their own wardrobe or going out to the truck to figure things out can look like “amateur night” to the customer Download slideshare presentation. You don’t think techs talk on the cell phone about personal business like “canasta night?” Go to a job with a few installers and you will be shocked at the personal business being conducted during normal working hours pages kostenlos downloaden.

I do ride-a-longs and what I see is a fact of life and a day-to-day struggle to get techs to see how important it is to do good service. Maybe when they see what bad service looks like they will be sure not to commit these mistakes video bei facebook herunterladen iphone.

Selling The Brand Of You

BY: Joe Crisara

Selling The Brand Of You

Many times I asked at conferences about what brand of equipment I prefer gameboy advance spiele kostenlos deutsch. For me that is an easy question and one that I answer the same way every single time.I feel the absolute best brand is YOU the contractor.

The best equipment will not last very long if it installed with an inadequate air distribution system, fuel delivery system, electrical system, water delivery or drainage system, combustion removal system and refrigerant transfer system bilderrahmen zum downloaden.


In fact when a customers asks me, “How much are the parts for this job?” I always tell them that the parts are free rahmen für bilder kostenlos downloaden. When a customer does business with a service contractor the product they are purchasing is SERVICE not the materials or equipment. Continue reading “Selling The Brand Of You”

Agreements Are Lifeblood Of Any Service Company

BY: Joe Crisara

Agreements Give Life

Maintenance or service agreements are the lifeblood of every hvac, plumbing or electrical service company that is in business today windows 10 version 1909 herunterladen. In a nutshell, they formalize the relationship between clients and your company. Agreements allow you a loyal base of fans that not only want to receive your marketing message but actually read this massage as well download garageband for windows.

The carnage created by not having such agreements in place can cost you in many ways. Loss of clients and employees are just the beginning. Without service agreements to supply a steady “lifeblood” of loyal, returning clients it can eventually create an environment where companies can go out of business testversion publisher 2010 kostenlosen. Basically this program to sell service for the future at today’s price in exchange for payment today creates a circulation of cash needed to run every business that does service for residential or commercial clientele Download videos from youtube apple. Continue reading “Agreements Are Lifeblood Of Any Service Company”

Looking At The Truth Straight On

BY: Joe Crisara

Look At the Truth

Have you ever watched a football or baseball team where the coach or manager refused to look at the truth download picasa web albums?

Unless your favorite team recently won the championship, it is likely that your team currently has this issue. Perhaps the coach of your team has fallen in love with some of his favorite players because he personally drafted them in a higher round herunterladen. Or maybe the player has performed particularly well in the past for this coach and helped to win a championship in past years.Whatever the reason, he desperately wants them to succeed and now this refusal to look at the truth straight on becomes toxic musik herunterladen auf mp3 player. Continue reading “Looking At The Truth Straight On”

Be a Student Of Buyers To Find “Right Code”

BY: Joe Crisara

What Is “On Code”

To me, the definition of selling is to provide a solution that is directly “on code” with solving a problem your customer has Christmas carols children. Basically if you provide solutions that are more like a laser beam than a shotgun, your buyer feels you know their situation better than your competitor and so they feel inclined to purchase from you herunterladen.

To find exactly what people need and want, you have to understand how they think. Most people in the service business are “out of balance” in this regard cisco packet tracer downloaden. What I mean is that 90% of the attention they spend is on diagnosing technical issues and not on diagnosing the family or people who live in the home spelling to. Continue reading “Be a Student Of Buyers To Find “Right Code””

If The “Dog Whisperer” Was Your Sales Manager

BY: Joe Crisara

Controlling Toxic Behavior

In this day and age of hundreds of TV channels to watch as well as internet videos, I have found a particular show that I run across every now and then führerschein lernen kostenlosen. I must say that this television series really fascinates my wife Julie and I. The show that I am talking about is called the “Dog Whisperer” and it features a gentleman whose name is Cesar Millan die sims 1 kostenlos herunterladen. This man who has a such a “magic touch” with our canine friends came, from humble beginnings growing up in Mexico before he eventually transformed into the mega-star he is today dateien von filezilla herunterladen. He counts people like Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith as some of his closest friends.

Each week Cesar faces a seemingly out of control dog whose owners have given up on trying to train their pet and cannot cope any longer with this “toxic” behavior windows 8.1 iso datei herunterladen. These dogs are driving every one crazy, except one person. An that person is Cesar. Continue reading “If The “Dog Whisperer” Was Your Sales Manager”

Julie Crisara Joins Women in HVACR

BY: Joe Crisara

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Co-Founder Joins Group

(Templeton, Calif.) Leading HVACR sales trainer, entrepreneur and co-founder of, Julie Crisara has joined Women in HVACR microsoft word vollversion kostenlos downloaden deutsch. Women in HVACR was established to improve the lives of members by providing professional avenues to connect with other women growing their careers in the HVACR industry facebook videos app ios. The organization strives to empower women to succeed through networking opportunities, mentoring and education. Continue reading “Julie Crisara Joins Women in HVACR”

The “Silver Bullet” of Sales

BY: Joe Crisara

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Is There a “Silver Bullet?”

Whenever I work with sales managers who are failing, I notice that they all talk about the immediate issues going on with their salespeople and are looking for the “quick fix” or “silver bullet” answer from me xing kontakte downloaden.

Most of them have given up and think they have already thought of everything. The one thing they haven’t thought of is to zoom out and look at the big picture, which includes their own behavior and how it contributes or even causes an issue to occur ballerspiele kostenlos downloaden. Continue reading “The “Silver Bullet” of Sales”

Detach From the Outcome

BY: Joe Crisara

Detach From the Outcome

Have you ever felt drained after a heated conversation with your buyer, boss or colleague after trying to convince them that your point of view was the correct way of seeing things skype ohne herunterladen? That feeling of being drained is an indication that you were too attached to the outcome and that you lost your focus on trying to understand the other persons point of view crime listening games for free.

It is easy to become emotionally involved in the outcome of your sales results, but is it really effective? In short, the answer is no. Sales should be emotional for the buyer but not for you the seller mp4 bestanden downloaden van youtube. If you try to hard to “sell” people on your way of thinking it comes off as desperate, pathetic and self-centered. As a sales professional you must retain your credibility and give your buyer the impression that you could live without the sale hoe moet ik free ebooks download. Continue reading “Detach From the Outcome”

Service Contracting By The Numbers

BY: Joe Crisara

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Using Fear As a Barometer

BY: Joe Crisara

Using Fear as a Barometer

Fear can disable the best of us microsoft frontpage download deutsch kostenlos. Many times the fear we face in service and sales situations start to make us create assumptions that lead us to dysfunctional behaviors. Sometimes the fear begins with finding a huge problem that the customer didn’t expect on a typical call minecraft beta herunterladen. The problem is viewed as small or routine by the client but after you diagnose the whole system you find the problem is bigger than anyone anticipated recuva herunterladen. The fear that the client may think you are trying to sell them something they don’t need may paralyze some into covering up the problem instead of solving it adobe photoshop elements 7 download for free.

Indeed service or sales people who fear things like the economy, high prices, their ability to sell, close or handle objections usually blame the fear itself which stops them in their tracks, instead of trying to sculpt an effective response to it ios 10 download. Continue reading “Using Fear As a Barometer”

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