The concept of value-added selling has been a popular one for a number of years download indesign fonts. In fact, in today’s contracting world you are left with two choices.
1. Provide excessive value for the price that you charge amazon filmeen mac.
2. Charge a cheaper price for the low value you provide.
That’s right, the natural laws come into place here viber download kostenlos für pc. In the world today the buyer will either force you to either provide more value to get the price you need. Or they will force you to lower your price if you refuse to raise your value download instagram videos.
There is no doubt
Without value-added components, any product or service can be driven down to the most bottom line – price download vlc cover.
What is the problem with that?
When you are only selling price, you’ll never be able to make high margin sales where profitability, long term growth and sales success reside videos downloaden von webseiten. Let’s take a look at 10 ways how you can add value to your product or service, no matter brand of equipment you sell.
Some salespeople might argue by saying, “You don’t understand, my product is different,” or “My service is different.” The truth is that every product or service can have value added to it penny app. Let’s take a look at 10 specific ways that you can do this:
1. Providing expert advice and a high level of professionalism win 10 update manuell herunterladen. Lots of professionals are paid a tidy sum for the level of advice that they provide. However, for you as a home comfort sales professional, in order for you to be able to provide value, you need to understand that you have to provide a level of advice that is significantly higher, more sophisticated and more valuable than that of your competition herunterladen. Plus, you have to be able to communicate this to your prospect in a meaningful way. What this means communicating to your prospect a higher level of sophistication, wisdom and understanding about what it is you do lieder von amazon herunterladen. In a nutshell, why are you different and better than your competition? Odds are you have already purchased things like IAQ monitors, Infiltrometers, duct blasters and heat exchanger cameras. Now know when to use them. By all means, do use them.
2. Bundling and packaging. I’m not only talking here about the way your product or service actually looks. I’m also talking about desirable packages, purchasing levels and a series of added benefits that are significant in value and are, themselves, a whole lot more valuable than simply the product is by itself. Clean air packages, Silent system packages etc. Continue reading “Ten Ways to Avoid Price Objections” →