The Top 5 Qualities of Super-Successful Contractors, Techs, and Salespeople

BY: Joe Crisara


Stop selling equipment assassins creed herunterladen!

That’s right… cut it out.

I mean, you’re still going to sell equipment, but you need to totally change the way you look at it igo primo downloaden. It’s not your main product. Not anymore. Not if you want to thrive in this business.

In my last article I told you about commoditization, the REAL villain in the contracting industry, which is the reason for so many of our brethren’s financial struggles minecraft skins for free.

The products you sell at your business have become no different than a gallon of gas to the general public because they have tons of different places they can buy those exact products (or similar products) from fotosen van ipad.

And how does the general public decide where to buy gas? The go wherever it’s the cheapest.

If you continue to have the mindset that you sell equipment and parts for a living, you’ll be forced to continue to play “the lowest bidder” game and struggle financially as a result Download video for free.

So is that just the way it is in this business these days? Should you just suck it up and accept it as the new normal?

Oh, hell no spanische musik herunterladen.

If you’re willing to make the change, I can tell you how to fix this problem.

It’s all about shifting your mindset from selling equipment to selling service android for free. Continue reading “The Top 5 Qualities of Super-Successful Contractors, Techs, and Salespeople”

Why Increased Competition is NOT The Problem With Your Business

BY: Joe Crisara

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Think about the last time you had a conversation with a group of other shop owners at a meeting, training session, or some other kind of industry get-together download the signature.

What was the “shop talk” like?

Ok, so that’s a rhetorical question because unless you were at one of my training sessions, I KNOW what the shop talk was like Download ps4 designs for free.

Continue reading “Why Increased Competition is NOT The Problem With Your Business”

Take Responsibility To Be Part Of The Solution

BY: Joe Crisara

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See if this sounds familiar…

You’re frustrated with the way things are going at your shop.  It seems like the harder you work, the more difficult it becomes to make a profit.  When calls come in, it seems more often than not they result in low-priced, low-level tickets… or even worse, dispatch only fees team viewer herunterladen mac.

At times it’s hard for you to see the silver lining, and it’s even harder to imagine things improving if something doesn’t change in the near future ego shooter vollversion kostenlos deutsch.

Now, if that DOES sound familiar, I have two things to tell you…

Continue reading “Take Responsibility To Be Part Of The Solution”

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