Guiding Clients To Make a Choice Is Great Service [VIDEO]

By: Joe Crisara


You’re at the end of another call, and you’re feeling pretty good about yourself.  As far as you can tell, you’ve done everything right.

You diagnosed the whole system, you learned everything there is to know about your customer, their mechanical system and you delivered a handful of sincere “Magic Moments” and you start to feel like your building a great relationship with them.

As you finish creating 6 great options that are tailor-made for this family, you feel pretty confident… You’re going to nail this!

You walk up to the family and deliver your options. The client looks at the sheet and says…

  • “You know, I really should shop around to check other prices first.”
  • “These prices are too high.”
  • “Thanks for the information whatsapp op apple ipad. I need to think about this for a while.”
  • “I’m just getting bids and prices right now. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

Awww SNAP, Objections

If you’re like most people, you probably look at an objection as a bad thing. A failure on your part. You figure you must have done something wrong, otherwise they wouldn’t be objecting, right?  Or maybe you get angry inside at the customer.  Thinking private thoughts like, “He’s just cheap!” or “What’s wrong with these people?”

Because after all, an objection is just a polite “no” isn’t it?

Actually, that’s not what an objection is at all. When you think like that, you’re putting yourself in a conflict state of mind – and that’s not good for you or your customer zoom cloud meetings herunterladen.

What Is An Objection?

In reality, an objection is an opportunity to explain more, to clarify more, and to guide your customer through the process of making a the right choice for themselves and their family.

Your customer needs your guidance because they’re used to living in a one-dimensional world when it comes to their system. What they usually hear is, “Here’s the part you need and here’s what it costs.”

But then you come along and actually take the time to get to know them and understand their situation. And because you’ve so thoroughly diagnosed them and their system, you’re able to offer them several tailor-made options based not only on what’s needed right now, but also on anticipating their needs into the future as well adobe reader mac kostenlos.

So they’re going from the “here’s-your-one-price world” to your new world of choice.

It’s like the difference between those old coin operated mechanical horses you used to ride outside K-Mart when you were a kid and the interactive theme park experience at Disney World.1

At Disney World, there’s so much to see and so much going on that they give you a guide to show you where everything is, how it works, and anything else you want to know about the attractions so you can figure out which ones fit the kind of experience your family wants to have.

It’s no different when you’re offering options. There’s a lot to see and a lot for your customer to think about. Remember your customer has probably never seen this type of selection before.

It’s like showing up at Disney World for the first time.

“Wow. Look at all this cool stuff! Where do I start? What should we spend our time and money on?”

So when your customer hits you with an objection, see it for what it really is – a request for guidance and an opportunity to guide them through the process of choosing.  Be their guide. Show them the way. Tell them why you did what you did and why it makes sense for them.

Three Ways to Be A Good Guide

You’ve heard me say it before. Provide world class Pure Motive Service and the sales numbers will take care of themselves. Guiding your client to a solution is not a high-pressure sale, it’s the place where true world-class service begins.  The service of helping your client find what right for them.

Here are 3 tips to guide your customer through the process of choosing the right solution.

1: Listen For the “NO”
Listen to exactly what the client’s response is after handing over your options.  You explain your top option and then let the client look at the entire option sheet with all 6-prices.  What are they say?  More importantly, what are they NOT saying?  If you don’t hear the word NO or NOT NOW then it isn’t even an objection at all.  For instance, an interaction might sound something like this…

Your client says… “Geez, these prices are higher than my last guy who worked here.”

You say… “I understand, we’re definitely more premium. So, what should we do?”

The client says… “Let’s go ahead and do that 2nd option with the 4 year warranty and service.”

BAM! The client sold themselves. You just guided them by reminding them of your level of service.

2: Process Of Elimination
A particularly effective way to deal with price-based objections is to use them to eliminate options. If your customer says…

“Wow. I just didn’t anticipate this. I mean, this top option is over $2,000. No way am I putting that much into this.”

Don’t argue or hard-sell the option. Instead, say something like…

“Yeah. You know, I wanted you to see what’s possible, but I agree with you. Let’s just take that one off the list. Now what should we do?”

Cross the option off and ask them which one makes the most sense now. The same thing works for eliminating the band-aid option. If they think it’s too “cheap”, agree, cross it off, and ask them “What should we do?”

3: Remind Them Of What’s At Stake
You’ve created 6 tailor-made options based on what you know about the family, their system, and their situation. If you’ve had a Magic Moments and have observed how fortunate their family was to have a person like them to take care of this issue, you can use that to answer objections and guide your customer to the right solution for the people they are most concerned about..

For example, if the customer says, “You know, I think I’m going to wait a bit and get some more bids before I fix this. That’s a big investment.” – then take them back to a Magic Moment.

“I can understand that, Michelle, but remember when you told me how you help your daughter Ellen with her respiratory issues in this high humidity and how you hate to see her struggle with it?  I put this option together because this way we can get things cooled off and get that humidity down for her as soon as possible so she can be comfortable. What should we do?”

If you had a sincere Magic Moment and got the customer to share meaningful information with you, this shows that you have their best interests at heart and aren’t just trying to push them into a sale.

Adopting the Mindset of a Guide

Selling your services isn’t something you do TO someone. It’s something you do FOR them.

Keep that in mind as you build your options, when you present your options, and especially when you’re dealing with objections. You’re there to help and to guide them to the right solution.

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into creating and effectively presenting good options. We’ve created a fantastic tool to save you a ton of time and insure you create 6 great options every time. We call it The Best Ever Flat Rate Guide and if you haven’t yet given it a good look, you really should.

When objections come (and they will come), don’t take them personally. They’re an opportunity to further explain things and guide your customer to making a great choice that they’ll be completely satisfied with.

And if you approach it that way, everyone wins.

What about you?

What are the most common objections you get and how do you answer them? Tell me about it in the comments at the bottom of our blog page.